Good news and sad news ... We urgently need your help!
Last time we wrote to you, we told you the new Creative Technologies Centre would soon be opening at Haasts Bluff.
Well today’s good news is that the Centre is now open and already beginning to train up young Indigenous people. Centre Managers, Andy & Kathy Sorenson, are in residence at Haasts Bluff and they have started renovating to get the building ready to function fully as a training centre.
Several very talented musicians have been discovered lately. Since the Centre opened, they have been writing songs and Andy is already starting to record their Indigenous music. It is our goal to see these talented musicians equipped to sell their recordings and start them on the road to financial independence.
However, the Centre still needs quite extensive work. As you can see from the photos above and below, there are no desks or proper chairs. Plus, we still need storage cupboards for equipment and the building needs to be lined and dust-proofed.
This is where you can help!
To carry out the necessary work and buy furniture,
we need to raise about $10,000.
We have started a My Cause Campaign to raise the money for renovations and equipment. Will you help by donating funds so we can transform this building into a safe, well-equipped training centre?
You can go here to donate through the My Cause campaign …
… or you can donate directly through our website here.
If we raise these funds quickly, your next Walk a While newsletter will deliver even more good news.
Whatever you are able to give will help make a difference in the lives of young indigenous Australians living in very remote communities. They don't have access to the technology that most Australians take for granted - but with your help we will change that!
Well that’s the good news, but ...
... unfortunately, we also have some sad news to share with you.
Two people who are very important to Walk a While - and to the dream of our indigenous friends to Raise a Cross in the heart of our nation, are battling cancer.
Sid Anderson, one of the elders from the Haasts Bluff area, has advanced lung cancer. And Tim Morris-Smith, one of our fabulous, hard-working Directors, was recently diagnosed with renal cancer, which has spread to other parts of his body. Both are undergoing treatment and people all over the world are praying for a miracle for them both.
If you believe in the power of prayer, please pray for both Sid and Tim. We believe in the God of miracles!
But there is something else you can do as well ...
Both Sid and Tim earnestly want to see the Cross completed. So this has now become a matter of extreme urgency.
Will you help by donating funds to complete the Cross and see it erected on top of Memory Mountain?
You can donate to the Cross project right here.
We urgently need your help for both of these crucial issues.
Please give what you can. And please spread the word far and wide, encouraging others to give what they can.
Together we will see the Cross raised in the heart of our nation. And we will see young indigenous people being trained in the creative arts, so they can tell their stories and have real hope for the future.
Thank you for being part of his amazing journey. We are extremely thankful for your financial contributions.
Many thanks,
Ken & Pam Duncan
on behalf of Walk a While Board of Directors