Empowering Indigenous Creativity…
…enabling lasting change

The Memory Mountain carpark built by the Indigenous community in 2021.

SUMMERTIME SEEDTIME - an Invitation towards 2022

Summertime Seedtime is an invitation to continue to sow into the Indigenous communities of Haasts Bluff, Papunya, Mt Liebig and Kintore. In what has been a year of breakthrough in many areas, our team at Walk a While is looking towards 2022 with renewed vigour and excitement.

From 01 December 2021 through to 28 February 2022, Walk a While has a goal to raise $100,000 towards the completion of an all-new Tourist Facility at Memory Mountain. This will continue to generate employment and create life-long financial sustainability for our First Nation people and their families.

In 2021, we have seen construction of the Cross commence of Memory Mountain on the summit with nine metres already built. We are look forward to seeing this completed early in 2022. Twelve years in the making - and the real work is just beginning. The vision of the Cross has been an Indigenous-led dream and since 1982 many Elders and Traditional Owners from Central Australia have had a strong conviction to see this Cross completed.

Already in 2021, Walk a While has employed nine Indigenous staff who are working at Memory Mountain. As we faithfully steward the dreams of our Traditional Owners, we are asking you to prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible donation.

We know a few people could possibly give this amount in one go and if that is you, please don’t hold back., Walk a While will use every dollar donated to improve the lives of Indigenous Australians .

Together, we can achieve this goal through:

  • 25 businesses donating $1,000   = $25,000

  • 25 Individuals donating $1,000    = $25,000

  • 50 families donating $500            = $25,000

  • 50 Individuals donating $250       = $12,500

  • 125 Individuals donating $100     = $12,500

To give, simply CLICK HERE for a tax-deductible gift.

If you’d like to discuss a larger gift or to speak with the Walk a While team, please email wallk@walkawhile.org.au

Together, we can achieve this goal and continue to empower Indigenous creativity and enable lasting change.